Holding Periods
An animal is available for adoption when the animal has been:
Vaccinated and spayed/neutered
Cleared by shelter and veterinary staff for behavior and health
Prospective adopters are screened by established standards. All adopters receive one free basic visit with one of our veterinary partners in Yolo County. Previously adopted animals from our shelter are accepted when returned by an adopter for any reason within 30 days of adoption. After 30 days, the return is considered an owner surrender and subject to availability of space on-site and jurisdiction of adopter.
By state law, an animal is considered for adoption when it fulfills the required holding period, which does not include day of impound or any day that the shelter is closed to the public. YCAS current business days are Monday through Saturday.
Stray animals no ID: 3 days
Stray animals with ID: 3 days from notice of impound if delivered to owner in person, otherwise, 7 days
Owner surrender: 3 days
Owner euthanasia request: if not rescue/adoption candidate, can euthanize upon arrival after assessment.
Animal cruelty investigation: case-by-case basis
Safekeeping or evicted: 14 days
Confiscate/Owner arrested: 15 days
Unweaned puppy or kitten: none; contact veterinary program for rescue/foster.
Stray litters of kittens: prepare for adoption as soon as possible; do not euthanize until stray hold is completed or if medically necessary.
Stray litters of puppies: case-by-case basis to determine if same policy as for kittens
Bite quarantine: 10 days starting day of bite. For impounded or owned animals, owner has two additional business days to redeem.