Kitten Feeding
Ensure that each kitten is eating:
Discard any disposable bowl in cage from AM feeding.
Wet food cans, wooden sticks, and disposable bowls are kept in the top cabinet drawer or on the wire shelving of each room.
Feed each kitten 1/8 of 5.5 oz can in a small metal or disposable bowl; use wooden stick to divide, distribute, and mash up each serving per bowl.
Adult cats with special needs also can be fed wet food according to staff instructions.
If you have food left over in a can, give it to your favorite adult cat(s), and discard empty can in trash.
Feed prescription food (Adoption Room 2) according to staff instructions.
Do not feed if cage card specifies otherwise (e.g., “Do Not Feed”, “Special Diet”).
Cats or kittens that need Probiotics will have a red checkmark in the upper right corner of their pink medical card.
Probiotics are stored in a small blue vial along with the food.
Put 1 teaspoon over the food and mix it in. A teaspoon measure is in Adoption 2; ½ teaspoon measure in Adoption 3.
CRITICAL: Note on the medical card that you have given probiotics to the cat/kitten by writing “VOL” in appropriate place.
If kittens arrive with a pink medical card, check if Probiotics have been prescribed; if so, put a red check in upper corner of card.
If you are uncertain about feeding instructions, ask staff. If no staff member is available, DO NOT FEED and leave a note on cage that you did not feed wet food to that cat/kitten.