Cat Socialization

If a cat is listed on the Adoption floor (1) or hallway whiteboard, the cat is available for adoption and may be handled by volunteers. Otherwise, the cat can be visited but not handled by volunteers without staff approval on a case-by-case basis.

  • Wash hands with soap and water before handling each cat; do not use sanitizers on wall.

  • Before handling any cat, read the whiteboard remarks (e.g., overstimulates, timid, does not like to be picked up, should not be shown to young children) and approved visitation (CS/GA). Kittens under 4 months of age are not allowed in the GA room, but they can be held in your arms or can sit with you in a chair outside the GA room.

  • After one cat has played with a toy, the toy should be put in the pillow case by the bench in GA room to be cleaned.

  • Wet hand grooming and brushing a cat helps keep its coat shiny and clean, and a beautiful appearance may speed a cat’s adoption!

    • Let cat sniff comb/brush and start with short gentle strokes under chin; keep head of cat away from you if possible.

    • If tolerated, move to brushing the cat’s head and shoulder; otherwise, stop and leave brush/comb in cage.

    • Keep sessions short and note cat’s response on whiteboard.

  • Update whiteboard after handling each cat with visitation type (GA/CS) and behavior/health notes if you have any.